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Benefits of Spray Foam

Do you need to install insulation in your home? You have a number of options—there are several different types of insulation materials. Have you heard of spray foam?

Contact Installed Building Products Portland if you need an insulation company in the Portland, Oregon area—or keep reading to learn more about the benefits of spray foam!

Spray foam insulation can help:

Save Money

You can save a lot of money each year by insulating your home with spray foam. Also keep in mind that spray foam can pay for itself in the long run. We have found that it is a great way to increase the energy efficiency and comfort of your home year round.

Save Energy

While all insulation helps you save energy, not all types are identical. Spray foam seals and fills in small gaps, and it also has a relatively high R-value, or resistance, to heat transfer. Plus, saving energy means reduced utility bills—which is how insulation helps you save money.

Reduce Indoor & Outdoor Noises

Your walls are some of the biggest sources of energy loss and hold a lot of potential for energy savings. They need to be insulated—and wall insulation can also help with soundproofing. Spray foam installed in your walls can help reduce noises from outside and inside your home between different rooms and levels.

Make Your Home More Comfortable

Insulation stops the transfer of heat—it keeps warm air outside in the summer and inside your house in the winter. Spray foam insulation can also help eliminate drafts by your windows. What does this mean for you? A more comfortable home all year long!

Contribute to a Healthier Environment

Insulation can help you conserve energy and reduce your home’s carbon footprint. Less energy consumption means fewer greenhouse gas emissions.

Insulation Installation in the Portland, OR Area

If you live in the Portland, Oregon area, IBP Portland is the company to call. We install spray foam–and other types of insulation—in homes throughout northwestern Oregon and southwestern Washington. Contact us today to learn more by filling out the form on the right or calling 503-894-7661!

Closet Shelving

Our team installs quality wire shelving and storage solutions.


From standard sizes to custom cuts, we offer all types of mirrors.

Bath Hardware

We offer high quality bathroom hardware and accessories.

Shower Doors

We offer a large assortment of sliding, framed, and frameless shower doors.

Closet Shelving

Our team installs quality wire shelving and storage solutions.


We are proud to offer faux wood window blinds for builders and contractors.

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